Introduction to functional programming

Functional programming, as the name implies, leans heavily towards using functions for solving problems. This contrasts with other approaches as, for instance, organizing code with classes or even relying too much on standard control flow structures such as for, if’s, with, etc.

Python is a multi-paradigm language that allows functional programming but was not conceived specifically for it. Functional programming is only practical if we have means of easily creating new functions and using them in cooperation. This means that functional code tends to be littered with many small functions that are passed to other (high order) functions to accomplish some elaborate task. Think of those functions as Lego bricks: they are simple, easy to grasp, tend to fit nicely with each other, but when used in conjunction can create elaborate structures.

Creating functions in Python usually means lots of def statements and lambdas [1]. This approach is perhaps a little bit clumsy for everyday FP use, hence Sidekick provides more efficient ways to construct new functions by implementing some new functionality on top of standard Python idioms. Those approaches can be split into 3 basic ideas:

  1. Specialization: constrain a generic function by fixing some of its arguments.
  2. Creation: provide easy ways to construct commonly used lambdas.
  3. Composition: join two or more functions to generate a new function that inherit behaviors of both.

We will discuss those ideas in detail in the next sections.

[1]The name “lambda” has roots in lambda calculus, but do not expect beginners to make any sense of this. The lambda syntax was borrowed from LISP, in which the author of the language really wanted to make the association with lambda calculus explicit.

Creating functions by specialization

Consider a simple function:

def succ(n: int) -> int:
    Return the next integer after n.

    return n + 1

It seems like it is only a function declaration, but in reality it does a few more things: it gives the function a name, defines its documentation string and sets an implicit scope for global variables. For top level functions of your public API, in which you probably want to declare all those properties, this is a very efficient syntax.

Put the same function in a different context and def's start to feel verbose [#map]:

def increment_seq(numbers):
    def succ(n):
        return n + 1

    return map(succ, numbers)
[2]For those who do not remember, the builtin map function takes a function and a sequence as arguments and apply the function in all elements of the sequence. The code above thus increment each element in a sequence of numbers by one.

Not only this code spends two whole lines to define such a trivial function, it forces us to explicitly come up with a name which does not clarify its intent anymore than seeing n + 1 in the body of the function. Naming is hard, and we should avoid doing it if it has no purpose in making some piece of code more readable or comprehensible.

Lambdas are a much better fit for this case:

def increment_seq(numbers):
    return map(lambda x: x + 1, numbers)

But even that definition can be improved. lambda x: x + 1 is just a special case of addition in which one of the arguments is one. Indeed, that notion that we can create new functions by “specializing” more generic functions is very a common functional programming idiom. Python does not have have a builtin system for doing that, but we can use a few functions from the standard lib for the same effect.

from functools import partial
from operator import add

def increment_seq(numbers):
    return map(partial(add, 1), numbers)

I wouldn’t say it provides any tangible advantage over the previous case, but this code illustrates a powerful technique that can be really useful in other situations. We now want to take the good ideas from this example and make them more idiomatic and easy to use.


A simple function receives one single parameter and return a single value. In Python and most programming languages, the “function interface” can be considerably more complicated: the function might receive several parameters, keyword arguments, splicing (the *args and **kwargs expansions), and it might even produce side effects outside of what is visible from the inputs and outputs of the function.

If is often convenient for computer scientists to pretend in an idealized world in which all functions receive a single argument and return a single value. In fact, it is not even hard to transform some of those real world functions in this idealized version. Consider the function bellow:

def add(x, y):
    return x + y

This “complicated” two argument function can be easily simplified into a single argument function by passing x and y as values in a tuple, as such:

def add_tuple(args):
    return args[0] + args[1]

A second approach is to think that a multi-argument function is just a function that returns a second function that receives the remaining arguments. The function is evaluated only after the last argument is passed. This strange encoding is called “currying” after the computer scientist Haskell Curry, and is a very important idea in a foundational field of computer science called Lambda calculus.

The curried version of the “add” funtion is show bellow.

def add_curried(x):
    return lambda y: x + y

As crazy as add_curried may look, it is so powerful that some languages adopt it as their standard way of calling functions. This does not work very nicely Python, however, because the syntax becomes ugly and execution inefficient:

>>> add(1, 2) == add_tuple((1, 2)) == add_curried(1)(2) == 3

A nice middle ground between the standard multi-argument function and the fully curried version is the technique of “auto-currying”: we execute the function normally if the callee passes all arguments, but curry it if some of them are missing. An auto-curried add function is implemented like this:

def add(x, y=None):
    # y was not given, so we curry!
    if y is None:
        return lambda y: x + y

    # y was given, hence we compute the sum
        return x + y
>>> add(1)(2) == add(1, 2)

One nice thing about auto-currying is that it doesn’t (usually) break preexisting interfaces. This new add function continues to be useful in contexts that the standard implementation would be applied, but it now also accepts receiving an incomplete set of arguments transforming add in a convenient factory.

Even for only two arguments, implementing auto-currying this way already seems like a lot of trouble. Fortunately, the sidekick.functions.curry() decorator automates this whole process and we can implement auto-curried functions with very little extra work:

import sidekick.api as sk

@sk.curry(2)  # The 2 stands for the number of arguments
def add(x, y):
    return x + y

Ok, it is good that we can automatically curry functions. But why would anyone want to do that in any real world programming problem?

Remember when we said that the increment function (lambda x: x + 1) was just a special case of addition when one of the arguments is was fixed to 1? This kind of “specialized” functions are trivial to create using curried functions: just apply the arguments you want to fix and the result will be a specialized version of the original function:

>>> incr = add(1)  # Fix first argument of add to 1
>>> incr(41)

Quick lambdas

Operators like +, -, *, /, etc are functions recognized as being so useful that they deserve an special syntax in the language. They are obvious candidates for creating a library of factory functions such as the example:

def incrementer(n):
    return lambda x: x + n

def multiplier(n):
    return lambda x: x * n


While there is no denying that those functions might be useful, such a library probably is not. It is hard to advocate for this approach when it is easier to define those simple one-liners on the fly than actually remembering their names.

Magic X, Y

Sidekick implements a clever approach that first appear in Python in popular functional programming libraries such as and placeholder. It exposes the “magic argument object” X that creates those simple one-liners using a very straightforward syntax: every operation we do with the magic object X, returns a function that would perform the same operation if X was the argument. For instance, to tell the X object to create a function that adds some number to its argument, just add this number to X:

from sidekick.api import X

incr = (X + 1)  # same as lambda x: x + 1

In a similar spirit, there is a second operator Y for creating functions of two arguments:

from sidekick import X, Y

div  = (X / Y)  # same as lambda x, y: x / y
rdiv = (Y / X)  # same as lambda x, y: y / x

Y is consistently treated as the second argument of the function, even if the expression does not involve X. Hence,

>>> incr = (Y + 1)  # return lambda x, y: y + 1
>>> incr("whatever", 41)

This magic object is great to create one-liners on the fly without having to remember names and function signatures. Functions created with the magic X and Y work very nicely when creating elaborate functional pipelines.

>>> nums = range(1000)
>>> squares = map((X * X), nums)
>>> odds = filter(X % 2, nums)

We will create more interesting examples later using other sidekick functions and operators.

The X and Y special objects cover most functionality in Python’s operator module, but provides a more flexible and perhaps a more intuitive interface. But just as operator has its share of oddities and caveats (e.g., division is called truediv, it does not expose have reverse operations such as radd, rsub, etc). There are some limitations of what the magic X and Y can do.

Some operations do not work with those magic objects. Those are intrinsic limitations of Python syntax and runtime and will never be fixed in Sidekick.

  • Short circuit operators: (X or Y) and (X and Y). There is no perfect way to reproduce short circuit evaluation with functions, hence sidekick does not provide any real alternative.
  • Identity checks: (X is value) or (X is not value). Use sidekick.pred.is_identical() or its negative ~sk.is_identical(value) instead.
  • Assignment operators: (X += value). Assignment operators are statements and cannot be assigned to values. This includes item deletion and item assignment for the same reason.
  • Containment check: (X in seq) or (seq in X). Use sidekick.op.contains() instead.
  • Method calling: X.attr immediately returns a function that retrieves the .attr attribute of its argument. We cannot specify a method to obtain a behavior similar to operator.methodcaller. sidekick.functions.method() can produce method callers with an specialized syntax.

sidekick.op module

Most functions that would be created with the X and Y magical objects are present in Python’s own operator module, which exposes Python operators and special methods as regular functions. Sidekick provides a copy of this module that exposes curried versions of those functions. It is convenient to create simple one-liners via partial application

>>> from sidekick import op
>>> succ = op.add(1)
>>> succ(41)

Composing functions

We mentioned before that good functional code behave like LEGO bricks: they can easily fit each other and we can organize them in countless and creative ways. The most common form of composition has the shape of a pipeline: we start with some piece of data and pass it through a series of functions to obtain the final result. Sidekick captures that idea in the pipe() function.

>>> sk.pipe(10, op.mul(4), op.add(2))

The data flow from the first argument from left to right: i.e., 10 is passed to op.mul(4), resulting in 40, which is then passed to op.add(2) to obtain 42. Notice we are relying on the fact that functions in sidekick.op are all auto-curried.

It is often desirable to abstract the operations in a pipe without mentioning data. That is, we want to extract the transformations into a function and pass data later at call site. This is responsibility of the pipeline() function.

>>> func = sk.pipeline(op.mul(4), op.add(2))
>>> func(10)

Attentive readers might realize that pipeline(*funcs) is equivalent to lambda x: pipe(x, *funcs).

Pipelining is a simple form of function composition. In mathematics, the standard notation for function composition passes the arguments in opposite direction (i.e., data flows from the right to the left)

>>> func = sk.compose(op.add(2), op.mul(4))
>>> func(10)

sk.compose(*funcs) is equivalent to sk.pipeline(*reversed(funcs)).

Composition syntax

Many functional languages have special operators dedicated to function composition. Python don’t, but that does not prevent us from being creative. Most sidekick functions are not actually real functions, but rather instances of an special class fn. fn-functions extend regular functions in a number of interesting ways.

The first and perhaps more fundamental change is that fn-functions accept bitwise shift operators (>> and <<) to represent function composition. The argument flows through the composed function in the same direction that bit shift arrows points to:

>>> f = op.mul(4) >> op.add(2)  # First multiply by 4, then add 2
>>> f(10)

Obviously only sidekick-enabled functions accept this syntax. We can support arbitrary Python callables by prefixing the pipeline with the fn object, making it behave essentially as an identity function

>>> succ = lambda x: x + 1
>>> incr_pos = fn >> abs >> succ  # (or fn << incr << abs)
>>> incr_pos(-41)

The other bitwise operators | ^ & ~ are re-purposed to compose logical operations on predicate functions. That is, f | g returns a function that produces the logical OR between f(x) and g(x), f & g produces the logical AND and so on. Evaluation is done in a “short circuit” fashion: g is only evaluated if f returns a “falsy” value like Python’s or operator.

Logical composition of predicate functions is specially useful in methods such as filter, take_while, etc, that receive predicates.

>>> sk.filter(sk.is_divisible_by(3) | sk.is_divisible_by(2), range(10))
sk.iter([0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, ...])

The pipe operator | represents the standard or, while ^ is interpreted as exclusive or.

>>> sk.filter(sk.is_divisible_by(3) ^ sk.is_divisible_by(2), range(10))
sk.iter([2, 3, 4, 8, 9])

fn also extend regular functions with additional methods and properties, but we refer to the class documentation for more details.

Applicative syntax

Bitwise operators compose fn-functions. Sidekick also provides a syntax to apply arguments into functions. Ideally, the syntax should be equal to F#’s function application operation, i.e.,

x |> function == function <| x == function(x)

Unfortunately, this is not valid Python and it could only be implemented changing the core language, not as a mere library feature. The next best thing would be to re-purpose existing operators. Unfortunately, we do not have very good options here: bitwise operators are already taken (hence, we can’t use the pipe | operator), comparison operators do not work well in chained operations [3] and arithmetic operators have a high precedence which makes the annoying to use.

[3]Python translates chains like x > f > g to x > f and f > g. This breaks the chain of function application and makes those operators unusable for this task.

Sidekick makes the following (admittedly less than ideal) choices:

f ** arg == f < arg == f(arg)
arg // f == arg > f == f(arg)
f @ arg  == sk.apply(f, arg)  # This is the applicative version, more on this later!

We do not really encourage the use of those operators, but they are here just to explore how the language would look like if it had dedicated operators like g <| f <| x and x |> f |> g. In practical terms, overloading >, <, ** and // to represent function application just save us the annoyance of wrapping a long argument in parenthesis when we want to do function application. This is acceptable in interactive sessions, but it is highly non advisable in production code. That is why sidekick comes with a evil module to control when the extended interface should be enabled.

By default, fn-functions accept >, <, ** and // to perform function application. We can execute sidekick.evil.no_evil() to disable this behavior. If you are feeling lucky, however, sidekick.evil.forbidden_powers() extend this behavior even to regular Python functions. It uses ugly hacks and obfuscated code, so we could not stress more to never use it in production code.